Category Archives: Editorials

Opinion on current issues

A Moral Dilemma

Decisionsby Kevin Alfred Strom

WE ARE A SOCIAL species, and no man or woman lives utterly alone and disconnected from his or her fellows. But what do we do when the society we live in does wrong? When it goes so far wrong we find it absolutely morally repugnant? That’s the dilemma posed by a young academic scientist who recently wrote that he loves teaching, but that every university he might work for accepts funding from the federal government, which … Read the rest of this article

Everybody’s a Fascist Now!

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IF YOU WATCH FOX NEWS or read political blogs you probably have a headache from all the accusations of “fascism” bouncing back and forth from left to right and back again. “Obama’s a fascist!” “Rush is a fascist!” “Bush is a fascist!” “The Zionists are fascists!” “Your grandmother’s a fascist!” “Kevin Strom is a fascist!” And then we have that ridiculous neologism “Islamofascism.”

Modern Republicans and Democrats both misuse the term “fascist” — and to such … Read the rest of this article

Yapping About Gitmo and Terrorists

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE NEOCON TALK HOSTS like Hannity and Limbaugh and their coevals from the “liberal” side are making a lot of noise about the “terror suspects” who have been imprisoned at Guantanamo without trial and without legitimate charges for nigh onto a decade now.

The Republican shills say “we’ve got to be firm with these terrorists and protect Amurrica!” The Democrat shills claim to stand for the Constitution and “American values” by calling for the closing of … Read the rest of this article

Freedom of Association: A Criminal Act?

eeoc logoby Kevin Alfred Strom

IT WAS RECENTLY reported that a London bank had laid off some employees — nothing unusual about that these days. But there was a buzz of discussion about the fact that, horror of horrors, they had supposedly laid off foreign workers in greater proportion than British ones. One writer said that the bank “should be reported to the Equalities Commission.”

One sees the same kind of furor amongst the TV-watchers here in America if a business … Read the rest of this article

The Forgotten Tenth Amendment

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE MAIN DEFENSE the Founders set up to protect Americans from the tyranny of kings — and the tyranny of the majority — was the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It says, in effect, that the central government possesses only those powers expressly granted by the Constitution and no other powers whatever. And that is how it was understood and applied until the second Roosevelt demanded and received Lenin-like economic power (“for our … Read the rest of this article

Amazing Audio Add-Ons for Winamp

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I’VE RECENTLY BEEN EXPERIMENTING with two plugins (for the popular audio player Winamp) which can create superb music mixes for personal listening, and can even form the core of an Internet or over-the-air broadcast station. As many of you know, I’ve been involved with broadcasting and radio in one way or another for four decades now, so these virtual devices really caught my eye.

The first add-on is Sqrsoft’s free Advanced Crossfading (ACF) plugin, which … Read the rest of this article

Robin de Ruiter: Banned in France

Author’s conspiracy book banned in France

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HAVING BEEN THROUGH (and ultimately rejected) the “right wing” and conservative movements early in my life, I have seen a great many books purporting to expose political or financial conspiracies. Quite a few are worthless. A significant number of these are so ludicrous as to actually serve the cause of those they ostensibly criticize, who may indeed covertly finance the nuttier tomes. A few are indispensable. Many also fall into … Read the rest of this article

Kevin Alfred Strom’s Address to the Court

Kevin Alfred Strom is absolutely innocent of any crime against children or anyone else. He has paid a heavy price for his advocacy of self-determination for his people.

An executive summary of the facts of this case is available in our Fast Facts You Need to Know section of this site.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

given at Federal District Court, Charlottesville, Virginia on April 21, 2008; with annotations

MY NAME is Kevin Alfred Strom. I have been in solitary … Read the rest of this article

Edgar Allan Poe: Cosmotheist Thinker, White Racialist

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY MARKS the 200th anniversary of the birth of the European-American literary genius and racially concious writer Edgar Allan Poe. I have paid my respects to the eternal memory of Edgar Poe in person at the Poe Museum in Richmond and at his and his beloved Virginia’s grave site in Baltimore, and I offer them again to all who read my words today.

Just as an abomination like Barack Hussein Obama could only be elected in … Read the rest of this article

Guilt By Association

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A NEW BOOK has just come out which says many of the same things that European and American racial-nationalists have been saying about the Middle East for decades — but this time it comes from someone inside the establishment, and it’s sure to shake up what is left of an independent intellectual class in the US. It’s entitled Guilt By Association and the author is Jeff Gates, who, according to his online biography, “served seven years … Read the rest of this article