Tag Archives: federal government

A Moral Dilemma

Decisionsby Kevin Alfred Strom

WE ARE A SOCIAL species, and no man or woman lives utterly alone and disconnected from his or her fellows. But what do we do when the society we live in does wrong? When it goes so far wrong we find it absolutely morally repugnant? That’s the dilemma posed by a young academic scientist who recently wrote that he loves teaching, but that every university he might work for accepts funding from the federal government, which … Read the rest of this article

The Forgotten Tenth Amendment

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE MAIN DEFENSE the Founders set up to protect Americans from the tyranny of kings — and the tyranny of the majority — was the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It says, in effect, that the central government possesses only those powers expressly granted by the Constitution and no other powers whatever. And that is how it was understood and applied until the second Roosevelt demanded and received Lenin-like economic power (“for our … Read the rest of this article