Tag Archives: barack obama

Democracy Should Be Condemned

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A CORRESPONDENT who had read one of my recent essays wrote to me, incredulously asking me if I was actually so wicked as to “condemn democracy.” I asked him to consider the facts and think, instead of just regurgitating the quasi-religious shibboleths that were imparted to him by the public schools:

James Madison certainly condemned democracy. So did Mencken and Saki and many others. And so do I.

If the majority is allowed to seize … Read the rest of this article

Gandhi, Obama, and Race

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK Google replaced their normal search page graphic with one depicting Mohandas K. Gandhi, also known as Mahatma (Sanskrit for “Great Soul”) Gandhi, in recognition of his birthday, which is now celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence. Gandhi’s movement of civil disobedience was a significant factor in India’s successful quest for self-determination and the ultimate withdrawal of Britain from the Indian subcontinent.

Barack Obama praised Gandhi on Friday, saying “Gandhi’s teachings and ideals, shared … Read the rest of this article

USA Now Marxist?

Barack I

USA NOW MARXIST?: I suppose it had to happen sometime after the accession of Barack I, but it’s still an historic moment: a writer on Russia’s Pravda has described the U.S.A. as “Marxist” and called for Russians to rethink their American investments.

Pravda has quite a bit of courage and some good articles these days. Wish they’d do two things, though: 1) put their best material in audio form and start an Internet radio network with licensable hourly newscasts to … Read the rest of this article

Everybody’s a Fascist Now!

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IF YOU WATCH FOX NEWS or read political blogs you probably have a headache from all the accusations of “fascism” bouncing back and forth from left to right and back again. “Obama’s a fascist!” “Rush is a fascist!” “Bush is a fascist!” “The Zionists are fascists!” “Your grandmother’s a fascist!” “Kevin Strom is a fascist!” And then we have that ridiculous neologism “Islamofascism.”

Modern Republicans and Democrats both misuse the term “fascist” — and to such … Read the rest of this article

Has Anyone Noticed?

Flag in bloodbath

HAS ANYONE NOTICED?: “Our new president” has dismantled the NSA’s and CIA’s and FBI’s wiretapping and snooping programs… hasn’t he? He’s stopped the wars in the Middle East… right? And lobby groups for special interests like Wall Street and Israel no longer rule Washington… as promised, right?

Sorry, but… those were just more lies. What we have in Washington now is not the legal government of the United States of America. It is an illegal, illegitimate regime. Both ruling parties … Read the rest of this article

Edgar Allan Poe: Cosmotheist Thinker, White Racialist

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY MARKS the 200th anniversary of the birth of the European-American literary genius and racially concious writer Edgar Allan Poe. I have paid my respects to the eternal memory of Edgar Poe in person at the Poe Museum in Richmond and at his and his beloved Virginia’s grave site in Baltimore, and I offer them again to all who read my words today.

Just as an abomination like Barack Hussein Obama could only be elected in … Read the rest of this article

Support for Israel mandatory

SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL MANDATORY: According to the Yeshiva University Commentator (which parses Barack Hussein Fetchit’s statements on the Middle East in Talmudic detail), pro-Zionism is for all practical purposes required for all candidates in the US these days, declaring that they all “will declare their undying support for the State of Israel.”… Read the rest of this article

Obama’s new name

OBAMA’S NEW NAME: A more appropriate (and more American-sounding) name is Barack Hussein Fetchit. It’s a name he richly deserves for betraying his friend and mentor Jeremiah Wright and everything he once claimed to believe in, when the pressure to conform to the boobs’ expectations became paramount. Contrary to the faux conservatives’ claims, Black separatists, even sub-rosa ones like Wright, are basically good for us all, and Black assimilationists like Fetchit are bad.… Read the rest of this article