Tag Archives: terrorism

They Will Kill Us



[Warning: the videos, above, of Thursday’s Nice attack and its aftermath contain disturbing graphic images that should not be viewed by children.]

American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 16, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE THOUGHT IS not original with me, but it remains true: Anyone who lives in the same society as you, and who is absolutely determined to kill you, will probably succeed in killing you.

Bulletproof vests only cover a small percentage of … Read the rest of this article

Dangerous Morons

by Kevin Alfred Strom

PROOF WE ARE ruled and “protected” by dangerous morons can be found in this document, entitled “Crisis Controlled,” from the Virginia State Police (VSP), authored by Trooper John R. Wright.

Not only is the whole essay written on about a fifth-grade level of literacy and intelligence, not only does it characterize anyone, left or right or otherwise, who questions the constitutionality or morality of our current rulers as a “terrorist,” but it wraps itself in … Read the rest of this article

Yapping About Gitmo and Terrorists

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE NEOCON TALK HOSTS like Hannity and Limbaugh and their coevals from the “liberal” side are making a lot of noise about the “terror suspects” who have been imprisoned at Guantanamo without trial and without legitimate charges for nigh onto a decade now.

The Republican shills say “we’ve got to be firm with these terrorists and protect Amurrica!” The Democrat shills claim to stand for the Constitution and “American values” by calling for the closing of … Read the rest of this article

Torture, Terror, and the Washington Regime

A READER WRITES that, in his opinion, the questions Jesse Ventura asked about waterboarding were the least uncomfortable that could have been asked. And, he adds, we can’t “descend to the moral level” of Saddam Hussein, since we’ve already passed that point:

“Why is the subject of torture being confined to waterboarding? Other forms were used in Iraq, as everyone knows.

“And in terms of increasingly ‘resembling Saddam Hussein,’ he was convicted for the murder of 148 people committed a … Read the rest of this article

Jesse Ventura Asks Uncomfortable Questions

Jesse Ventura

JESSE VENTURA ASKS UNCOMFORTABLE QUESTIONS: Former Governor Ventura has managed to ask the obvious questions on the subject of U.S. government torture — questions that should have been asked a long time ago: “If waterboarding is okay, why don’t we let our police do it to suspects to learn what they know?… If waterboarding is okay, why didn’t we waterboard McVeigh and Nichols, the Oklahoma City bombers, to find out if there were more people involved?… We only seem to … Read the rest of this article