Tag Archives: revilo oliver

Realism That Leads to Action

Wake up, dreamer; someone who wishes your death is here.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 1 August, 2020

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0801 – Realism That Leads to Action.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

AS THE WHITE FOOLS “take the knee” and imagine that appeasing non-White haters from Blacks to Jews will have different results than it did in 1954, in 1965, in 1992, and in 2014, we as a society edge further and further down a road whose ultimate … Read the rest of this article

Revilo Oliver’s “What We Owe Our Parasites” part 3

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 14 March, 2020

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0314 – Revilo Oliver’s What We Owe Our Parasites part 3.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WE MUST CHANGE our societies if we are to survive — and change them radically. We must also change our view of who we are and why we are here. These are hard changes. We must have a will of steel and an absolute spiritual certainty that we must and we will survive — or … Read the rest of this article

Revilo Oliver’s “What We Owe Our Parasites” part 2

What are the qualities of mind and soul that make us White people what we are? And how have those qualities been exploited to our detriment by those who wish to do us harm?

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 March, 2020

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0307 – Revilo Oliver’s What We Owe Our Parasites part 2.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHY ARE White people so gullible? What makes us such easy marks for the sleazy swindlers who have hypnotized so many of … Read the rest of this article

Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 4

Revilo Pendleton Oliver

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 21 September, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-0921 Revilo Oliver – What He Means to Us – part 4.mp3

JAY HESS and I conclude our series on the great Revilo P. Oliver today, a man whose life and works will, we are convinced, be remembered for all time to come.

Some of the topics we’ll be discussing on this final segment of the series are:… Read the rest of this article

Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 3

Revilo P. Oliver in 1969

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 14 September, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-0914 Revilo Oliver – What He Means to Us – part 3.mp3

THIS WEEK, JAY HESS and I continue our discussion of the great Revilo Pendleton Oliver, a man whose works deserve to be — and we are determined will be — decisive in the lives of generations to come.

Some of the topics we’ll be discussing this time are:… Read the rest of this article

Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 2

The most important venue for Dr. Revilo Oliver’s later writings, Liberty Bell magazine, published by German-American George P. Dietz of Reedy, West Virginia.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 September, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-0907 Revilo Oliver – What He Means to Us – part 2.mp3

ON OUR PROGRAM this week, I’ll be continuing my important interview with Jay Hess, the Army veteran and marine biologist who is in charge of the National Alliance campus in West Virginia. … Read the rest of this article

Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 31 August, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-0831 Revilo Oliver – What He Means to Us – part 1.mp3

ON THIS WEEK’S broadcast, I’ll be speaking with Mr. Jay Hess, the Army veteran and marine biologist who oversees the National Alliance campus in West Virginia, on a topic that is very dear to both of our hearts: the late, great Dr. Revilo Pendleton Oliver, who died 25 years ago this month. Dr. Oliver was … Read the rest of this article

After 100 Years, part 3

A 1971 issue of Attack!, the tabloid newspaper of the National Youth Alliance, edited by Dr. William Pierce. In 1978 it would be renamed National Vanguard, which would become a glossy magazine in 1982 — and the National Vanguard Web site, begun in 2003, is its direct lineal descendant.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 3 August, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-0803 After 100 Years part 3.mp3

THIS WEEK we present the concluding part of Dr. Oliver’s … Read the rest of this article

After 100 Years, part 2

Here we see an anti-Vietnam War protest in Washington, DC in January 1969, the same year as Dr. Oliver’s famous speech launching the National Youth Alliance. Note that the signs have nothing to do with stopping the slaughter of White Americans in a no-win war. No, that is not even mentioned. Instead they openly call for a Communist victory. By grabbing leadership posts, organizing effectively, networking behind the scenes, and using their money and media power, Jews were able to
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After 100 Years, part 1

Grace and Revilo Oliver at a John Birch Society event

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 July, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-0713 After 100 Years part 1.mp3

THIS MONTH marks the 50th anniversary of the publication in The American Mercury of Dr. Revilo Pendleton Oliver’s After Fifty Years, in which he assesses the near-total failure, over the previous half-century, of White Americans to keep their freedoms and their country as of the year 1969. After Fifty YearsRead the rest of this article