Tag Archives: conservatism

Radical, Rational Racial-Nationalism: Needed Now More Than Ever

American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 31, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IT WAS 25 YEARS ago today that this radio program, American Dissident Voices, was born, bringing our message of hope and racial awakening to the men and women of our race over the airwaves for the very first time. It was the last Saturday of December, 1991. The events of the last few days show us that our radical, uncompromising message is needed now more Read the rest of this article


500-3American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 14, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

THE IDEA of “awakening the people” is a perennial chestnut of pro-American and pro-White political efforts — from paleoconservative Birchers to racialists of almost every stripe. “Awaken the American people” or “awaken White people” to their peril, and all will follow from that.

Our people slumber amidst a haze of media lies — so certainly awakening is necessary. But, equally certainly, all does not follow from that. … Read the rest of this article

Disillusioned, part 2

Staircase IllusionAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of September 27, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE PURPOSE of this program is to disillusion you. Not disillusion as in “disappoint” — but as in hyphenated dis-illusion, to cut away your illusions so you can see the way things really are.

Some people make the mistake of thinking that the National Alliance is a “conservative” organization, because we take many positions in favor of traditional culture and the ideals of Western civilization. Others make the … Read the rest of this article

Conservatism: Witness the Witless


American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 30, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WITNESS THE WITLESS call of the White American conservative:

“Eugenics is an elitist plot to exterminate the Black race.”

“Abortion should be opposed because it is drastically limiting the number of Black births.”

“Martin Luther King was a Republican.”

“Democrats are the real racists. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican.”

“Black people and Latinos and Muslims need sound money and the Constitution too!”… Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: Liberty

Ron_PaulAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of February 1, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LIBERTARIANISM is a tempting philosophy for White Americans who are disgusted by what their government has become. Libertarians vary somewhat in their perspectives, but their point of view can be summarized in Henry David Thoreau’s statement that “government is best which governs least.”(ILLUSTRATION: Because he wanted to cut the monster in Washington down to size, Ron Paul’s libertarian ideas were supported by many White Americans. But is “smaller … Read the rest of this article

Conservatism Is Not the Answer

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

AMERICA IS FALLING to the invaders before our eyes. Our borders are open, and a large faction of an ostensibly conservative party wants to open them even further. So do their opponents. Our women and children are increasingly raped, beaten, and killed by non-White gangs, demographic trends forecast the doom of our race, our soldiers have become nothing but enforcers for a criminal foreign state — and yet the people blithely play their ball games, … Read the rest of this article

Pat Buchanan’s Double Mind

by Kevin Alfred Strom

PATRICK BUCHANAN utters truths that no one else in the  mediasphere dares utter. For that I admire and like him.

But Buchanan has one foot inside establishment “conservatism,” and, whether due to a desire to placate that segment of his following or because of the wishful and anachronistic thinking that old men are sometimes prey to, he will at times speak as though America was still the old American Republic — as though “conservatives” like … Read the rest of this article

The Destruction of Joe McCarthy

There are profound lessons for us today in the saga of this misled hero.

by Scott Speidel, Florida State University

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“Average Americans can do very little insofar as digging Communist espionage agents out of our government is concerned. They must depend upon those of us whom they send down here to man the watch-towers of the nation. The thing that I think we must remember is that this is a war, which a brutalitarian force has won … Read the rest of this article

The Destruction of Joe McCarthy, part 2

by Scott Speidel, Florida State University

read part 1 of this article

Fear of “Anti-Semitism” Provides an Opening

MCCARTHY’S REPUTATION was destroyed chiefly by the feud that two staffers on his Subcommittee on Investigations, Roy Cohn and G. David Schine, conducted against the United States Army, contrary to McCarthy’s wishes.

Under pressure from influential Jewish columnist George Sokolsky and the Jewish president of the Hearst Corporation, Richard Berlin, both purported anti-Communists, McCarthy announced on January 2, 1953, that 26-year-old Roy … Read the rest of this article

Everybody’s a Fascist Now!

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IF YOU WATCH FOX NEWS or read political blogs you probably have a headache from all the accusations of “fascism” bouncing back and forth from left to right and back again. “Obama’s a fascist!” “Rush is a fascist!” “Bush is a fascist!” “The Zionists are fascists!” “Your grandmother’s a fascist!” “Kevin Strom is a fascist!” And then we have that ridiculous neologism “Islamofascism.”

Modern Republicans and Democrats both misuse the term “fascist” — and to such … Read the rest of this article