Tag Archives: libertarianism

American Dissident Voices: Liberty

Ron_PaulAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of February 1, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LIBERTARIANISM is a tempting philosophy for White Americans who are disgusted by what their government has become. Libertarians vary somewhat in their perspectives, but their point of view can be summarized in Henry David Thoreau’s statement that “government is best which governs least.”(ILLUSTRATION: Because he wanted to cut the monster in Washington down to size, Ron Paul’s libertarian ideas were supported by many White Americans. But is “smaller … Read the rest of this article

A Moral Dilemma

Decisionsby Kevin Alfred Strom

WE ARE A SOCIAL species, and no man or woman lives utterly alone and disconnected from his or her fellows. But what do we do when the society we live in does wrong? When it goes so far wrong we find it absolutely morally repugnant? That’s the dilemma posed by a young academic scientist who recently wrote that he loves teaching, but that every university he might work for accepts funding from the federal government, which … Read the rest of this article