Tag Archives: u.s. constitution

Democracy Should Be Condemned

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A CORRESPONDENT who had read one of my recent essays wrote to me, incredulously asking me if I was actually so wicked as to “condemn democracy.” I asked him to consider the facts and think, instead of just regurgitating the quasi-religious shibboleths that were imparted to him by the public schools:

James Madison certainly condemned democracy. So did Mencken and Saki and many others. And so do I.

If the majority is allowed to seize … Read the rest of this article

Dangerous Morons

by Kevin Alfred Strom

PROOF WE ARE ruled and “protected” by dangerous morons can be found in this document, entitled “Crisis Controlled,” from the Virginia State Police (VSP), authored by Trooper John R. Wright.

Not only is the whole essay written on about a fifth-grade level of literacy and intelligence, not only does it characterize anyone, left or right or otherwise, who questions the constitutionality or morality of our current rulers as a “terrorist,” but it wraps itself in … Read the rest of this article

Free Speech and the Constitution

by Kevin Alfred Strom

SOME PEOPLE — most notably lobbyists for the world’s wealthiest ethnic group — would like to see “speech codes,” which make it a punishable offense to criticize persons who belong to certain “protected classes,” enacted into law in the United States.

These pressure groups have already gotten their way in many European countries, and people have gone to jail and had their lives ruined and their families devastated merely for telling the truth as they saw … Read the rest of this article

Jefferson Said it Well

Jefferson nickel close up

JEFFERSON SAID IT WELL: “I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.” A single step!… Read the rest of this article

Freedom of Association: A Criminal Act?

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IT WAS RECENTLY reported that a London bank had laid off some employees — nothing unusual about that these days. But there was a buzz of discussion about the fact that, horror of horrors, they had supposedly laid off foreign workers in greater proportion than British ones. One writer said that the bank “should be reported to the Equalities Commission.”

One sees the same kind of furor amongst the TV-watchers here in America if a business … Read the rest of this article

The Forgotten Tenth Amendment

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE MAIN DEFENSE the Founders set up to protect Americans from the tyranny of kings — and the tyranny of the majority — was the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It says, in effect, that the central government possesses only those powers expressly granted by the Constitution and no other powers whatever. And that is how it was understood and applied until the second Roosevelt demanded and received Lenin-like economic power (“for our … Read the rest of this article