All posts by Kevin Alfred Strom

I’m Looking for Work

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LIKE THIS SITE? Let me build one that’s just as nice for you or your organization. Since the government made me a fourth class citizen, it has become very difficult for me to support myself and my three children.

I am skilled in writing, editing, graphics, and publishing (both the print and Web varieties), and I have become quite expert at customizing WordPress to create online magazines, newspapers, and organizational Web sites. If you have … Read the rest of this article

Democracy Should Be Condemned

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A CORRESPONDENT who had read one of my recent essays wrote to me, incredulously asking me if I was actually so wicked as to “condemn democracy.” I asked him to consider the facts and think, instead of just regurgitating the quasi-religious shibboleths that were imparted to him by the public schools:

James Madison certainly condemned democracy. So did Mencken and Saki and many others. And so do I.

If the majority is allowed to seize … Read the rest of this article

Romanian Author Republishes Freedman Piece

ROMANIAN AUTHOR REPUBLISHES FREEDMAN PIECE: The Romanian expatriate and author Dan Culcer has just republished Benjamin Freedman’s A Jewish Defector Warns America, along with my introduction. This was an article I was determined to rescue from the memory hole when I published it some 15 years ago, and I am delighted to see it taking on a life of its own in the (for the most part) still-free digital domain.… Read the rest of this article

The OKC Bombers (Yes, Plural)

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON THE one hand, we have the conspiracy theorists who say that Timothy McVeigh was a patsy. On the other hand, we have hours of tapes in which McVeigh admits he committed the act.

But these are not mutually exclusive propositions. One does not preclude the other.

McVeigh may have been followed, encouraged, guided, and then taken advantage of — with extra explosives as “insurance,” as the efficacy of a truck bomb some considerable distance from … Read the rest of this article

Whatever Happened to Financial Privacy?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE DICTATES of the Washington regime have, with the wildly misnamed “Patriot Act,” finally taken away all of our financial privacy, which is a fundamental part of our personal privacy.

Two acquaintances of mine recently purchased automobiles for cash — no credit requested — and the interrogation they were subjected to by the dealers (necessitated by the “Patriot Act”) show how we have been cowed into surrendering the last vestiges of our freedom and privacy. One … Read the rest of this article

The Folly of ‘Income Redistribution’

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I’VE BEEN hearing a lot in the news these days about “income redistribution.” About how “income inequality” is a problem that needs to be fixed by (forcibly) taking wealth from some and “giving” it to others. Now I’m all for ending the ability of the bankers and Wall Street to create money out of thin air (as they do every day with fractional reserve banking). And I am all for ending the ability of multinational corporations … Read the rest of this article

Google Groups: How Not to Run an Archive

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IT’S BEING acknowledged everywhere — now by Wired magazine and the SEO Theory newsletter. Google Groups is totally broken.

It began well. Google acquired the Deja News archive of Usenet postings from 1995 forward, and then added 1981-1994 material from Marc Spencer’s archive. If somebody said it in a newsgroup, you could find it by searching Google Groups. You could search by author, by keywords, by newsgroup, by date range, or by exact phrase. It … Read the rest of this article

Thanks to EU Times

THANKS TO EU TIMES: My thanks go out to the European Union Times, which — alone among important media outlets — spoke out for justice throughout my travails, telling both sides of the story in their news reporting and calling for my release in editorials. They stated “Kevin Alfred Strom is innocent,” saying of me that “he dedicated his life to fighting against pornography, child pornography, rape, murder… How could they even accuse him of such nonsense?” In … Read the rest of this article

Birdsong Radio

by Kevin Alfred Strom

YEARS AGO I joked that the next niche radio format to be attempted would be continuous bird calls. I never imagined that it could actually happen, but it has, and the results are quite pleasant.

Apparently one of the Digital Audio Broadcast channels in Great Britain (yes, they have real over-the-air digital radio in the UK, not the dysfunctional “HD Radio” that the media moguls forced on this country) started broadcasting ambient bird calls … Read the rest of this article