Tag Archives: money

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 2

The parable of Salvation Island continues.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 23, 2018

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE CONTINUE with our parable “How They Steal Our Wealth, part 2,” (here’s part 1) which will explain to all who hear it how we have been exploited — and used, essentially like cattle — through manipulation of our money by alien bankers. Listen well, for this parable will help you understand, perhaps for the first … Read the rest of this article

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 1

Our enemies have created a fraudulent system that pays them — without working — an ever-increasing cut of the wealth produced by honest men. One of our goals is to expose and then put a stop to this crime.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 16, 2018

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HONEST MEN do useful work, and increase the well-being of themselves, their families, and the entire race when they do so. Dishonest men game the system so they … Read the rest of this article

The Cost


American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 7, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HOW MUCH has it cost us to become subservient to the Jewish power structure? How much has it cost us to open our borders and embrace multiracialism, which we did largely at their insistence? How much has it cost us to see our once-shining cities gutted and turned into filthy ghettos? How much has it cost us to support the Jewish state of Israel? How much has … Read the rest of this article

Money, Money, Money


American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 10, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

MONEY IS THE MEANS by which we are enslaved. But not one man in 1,000 knows how it is done. Today I am going to tell you.

There are many half-truths being vended on this topic in the so-called “patriot movement” and conservative and libertarian movements these days.

Conservatives and libertarians bewail the fact that the government spends more than it takes in — and then bridges … Read the rest of this article

Virtuous Plunder

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A SELF-STYLED economist recently opined that “the redistribution of wealth is the primary job of governments.” And, based on what I hear on the streets of my city, a large number of people agree with him. They actually believe that the purpose of government is to “divvy up” the money and goods, using taxes and giveaways of various sorts, and make sure that everybody gets what’s “fair.”… Read the rest of this article

Whatever Happened to Financial Privacy?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE DICTATES of the Washington regime have, with the wildly misnamed “Patriot Act,” finally taken away all of our financial privacy, which is a fundamental part of our personal privacy.

Two acquaintances of mine recently purchased automobiles for cash — no credit requested — and the interrogation they were subjected to by the dealers (necessitated by the “Patriot Act”) show how we have been cowed into surrendering the last vestiges of our freedom and privacy. One … Read the rest of this article

Local Currencies


LOCAL CURRENCIES: Some communities are partially opting out of the debt-money system that is ruling us, failing us, and taking our wealth. They issue their own currency and back it with goods and services produced locally.

The local-currency movement displays a fascinating set of trends: away from globalization, away from corporate control, away from central government control, away from homogenization, away from commercial banking control over wealth and credit, and away from the appalling unsustainability of credit-money at compound interest.… Read the rest of this article