Tag Archives: marxism

The Folly of ‘Income Redistribution’

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I’VE BEEN hearing a lot in the news these days about “income redistribution.” About how “income inequality” is a problem that needs to be fixed by (forcibly) taking wealth from some and “giving” it to others. Now I’m all for ending the ability of the bankers and Wall Street to create money out of thin air (as they do every day with fractional reserve banking). And I am all for ending the ability of multinational corporations … Read the rest of this article

USA Now Marxist?

Barack I

USA NOW MARXIST?: I suppose it had to happen sometime after the accession of Barack I, but it’s still an historic moment: a writer on Russia’s Pravda has described the U.S.A. as “Marxist” and called for Russians to rethink their American investments.

Pravda has quite a bit of courage and some good articles these days. Wish they’d do two things, though: 1) put their best material in audio form and start an Internet radio network with licensable hourly newscasts to … Read the rest of this article