Tag Archives: Kevin Alfred Strom

Charles Galton Darwin, Eugenics Advocate

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I WAS INTRIGUED and then pleased and then astounded as I listened to National Public Radio yesterday morning. As soon as I switched on my Boston Acoustics radio, I heard the resonant, engaging, elegant, and intelligent words of Charles Galton Darwin — Charles Darwin’s grandson and Francis Galton’s godson and a distinguished scientist in his own right — reading a radio essay that he had recorded in 1953. Amazingly, though he openly stated that improvements in … Read the rest of this article

Is the White Race Inferior?

Whites may be inferior to other races in several critical skills

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

Free Speech magazine, December 1995

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This publication corrects some typographical errors and omissions which have been present since this article’s first appearance on the Internet in the 1990s. I would also add that the term “separatist” has become, in the intervening years, an opprobrious media smear word almost as frightening to two-legged rabbits as “supremacist.” The word “compound,” referring to someone’s rural … Read the rest of this article

Deprogramming, Portuguese Style

DEPROGRAMMING, PORTUGUESE STYLE: Another site has linked to my main page (thank you!), this one a news portal dedicated to awakening the people of Portugal to the need for racial integrity and cultural survival.

Its title means “Blind, Deaf, and Dumb” in English, which is exactly how the billionaire media elite wants all peoples to be.

The wars which the American sheep are bamboozled into supporting are far more about establishing a “friendly climate” for “foreign investment” (translation: the establishment … Read the rest of this article

More White Children

MORE WHITE CHILDREN: According to the Daily Telegraph, encouraging a higher birthrate in his country is Russian President Medvedev’s pet cause. Among other measures, Medvedev (pictured) instituted the “Order of Parental Glory” for Russian families who bring four or more children into the world and provide them with a healthy environment. Russian birthrates grew by 8 per cent. in 2007 and 6 per cent. last year.

Russia has the glory of being a country where the phrase “more children” … Read the rest of this article

Edgar Allan Poe: Cosmotheist?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A READER recently wrote: “I share your enthusiasm for Poe, but I do not understand how he is a Cosmotheist.”

I regard Poe as an instinctive, intuitive Cosmotheist thinker, though he did not construct or expound a religion or philosophy based upon his ideas as did William Pierce and others.

Consider Poe’s words from his ‘prose poem’ Eureka, which he held to be one of his most important works, though it is among his … Read the rest of this article

I’m Often Misquoted

I’M OFTEN MISQUOTED: Two quotes of mine are often given incorrectly, the first because of imprecise remembrance of a memorable idea, and the second because of a purposely or inadvertently sloppy journalist reporting on my historic trial.

The first is my maxim on the rulers of society, which exists online and in print in a dozen different variations, some of them probably more elegant than my original.

What I said was: “To determine the true rulers of any society, all … Read the rest of this article

Kevin Alfred Strom’s Address to the Court

Kevin Alfred Strom is absolutely innocent of any crime against children or anyone else. He has paid a heavy price for his advocacy of self-determination for his people.

An executive summary of the facts of this case is available in our Fast Facts You Need to Know section of this site.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

given at Federal District Court, Charlottesville, Virginia on April 21, 2008; with annotations

MY NAME is Kevin Alfred Strom. I have been in solitary … Read the rest of this article

Edgar Allan Poe: Cosmotheist Thinker, White Racialist

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY MARKS the 200th anniversary of the birth of the European-American literary genius and racially concious writer Edgar Allan Poe. I have paid my respects to the eternal memory of Edgar Poe in person at the Poe Museum in Richmond and at his and his beloved Virginia’s grave site in Baltimore, and I offer them again to all who read my words today.

Just as an abomination like Barack Hussein Obama could only be elected in … Read the rest of this article