Tag Archives: birthrates

Israel and America Have the Same Problem

White percentage of U.S. population

ISRAEL AND AMERICA HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM: According to physicist and writer James Miller, Israel’s demographic Waterloo is rapidly approaching: Jews will become a minority in the Zionist state by 2016. As Miller notes, ‘Arab-Israelis have 3.1 times the birthrate of Jewish-Israelis. It’s just a matter of time before the so-called “Jewish State” is no more.’ Israeli Jews who see this peril are willing to give up territory to have a more ethnically pure state and assure their survival … Read the rest of this article

More White Children

MORE WHITE CHILDREN: According to the Daily Telegraph, encouraging a higher birthrate in his country is Russian President Medvedev’s pet cause. Among other measures, Medvedev (pictured) instituted the “Order of Parental Glory” for Russian families who bring four or more children into the world and provide them with a healthy environment. Russian birthrates grew by 8 per cent. in 2007 and 6 per cent. last year.

Russia has the glory of being a country where the phrase “more children” … Read the rest of this article