Tag Archives: racial differences

Turning Off the Water — and Turning On Your Mind

NA_message_01American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 9, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THERE ARE PLACES in some American cities where the police will not go: neighborhoods in Tucson, Los Angeles, and other parts of the American southwest that are turning into Aztlan, where brown drug gangs provide a de facto government of sorts. It’s much safer for officers to be issuing tickets in the White suburbs, and they’re staying where it’s safer, thank you, unless forced to do … Read the rest of this article

Love Your Race

NA---Love-Your-RaceAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of February 14, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

EVERY FEBRUARY 14th I do two things: First, I commemorate the anniversary of the horrific firebombing of Dresden, an act of terror and racial hatred against us — a true holocaust of innocent people, good people, our people. Second, I work to build among my fellow White men and women an awareness that we should love our race. For more than a decade, Valentine’s Day has … Read the rest of this article

Biological Reality, part 3


American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 10, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK, I’m concluding my current three-part series on Black/White racial differences. Africans are so different — genetically, physically, chemically, mentally, and behaviorally — that by any reasonable definition they ought to be considered a separate subspecies, if not species. The differences are so pronounced and so well-documented that they prove beyond any doubt that the writers and academicians and commissars who constantly repeat the empty slogans … Read the rest of this article

Biological Reality, part 2


American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 3, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON TODAY’S program, I’m going to continue to bring you the facts about the biological differences between Blacks and other races, which are so many and so evident that any reasonable scientific assessment would categorize sub-Saharan Africans — at the very least — as a separate subspecies. (ILLUSTRATION: The Public School Book Depository of Detroit, Michigan, a nearly all-Black city, as seen in 2007.)

But first let … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: America, Race, and Violent Crime

Harvey family; and Dandridge and GrayAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of February 22, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ONE HORRIFIC SYMPTOM of our dispossession is violent crime, which blights the lives of innocent White Americans every day. One of the most important studies ever published on this subject, “Racial Violence in America,” by writer and researcher Jerry Abbott, is available on the National Vanguard Web site. Much of what I’ll be talking about today is taken from that excellent essay, which includes incontrovertible mathematical and statistical … Read the rest of this article

Erectus Walks

Erectus images from National Geographic Magazine

ERECTUS WALKS: Richard D. Fuerle holds degrees in math (BS), law (JD), economics (MA), physics (BA), and chemistry (BA). He has written what may be one of the most important books on anthropology in this decade: Erectus Walks Amongst Us. He persuasively argues that racial differentiation preëxisted the emergence of “modern man” and that some of the ancient strains, though evolved, persist today; with the genetic difference from common ancestral types varying from race to race. Although Mr. Fuerle … Read the rest of this article

Is the White Race Inferior?

Whites may be inferior to other races in several critical skills

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

Free Speech magazine, December 1995

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This publication corrects some typographical errors and omissions which have been present since this article’s first appearance on the Internet in the 1990s. I would also add that the term “separatist” has become, in the intervening years, an opprobrious media smear word almost as frightening to two-legged rabbits as “supremacist.” The word “compound,” referring to someone’s rural … Read the rest of this article

The Nation as Idea

They want to suppress the idea of racial self-determination because they know it has the power to remake the world.

by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 1, 2006)

A NATION FOUNDED on ideas or religion or on geography alone is an artificial construct. It will die when its founding race is replaced, even if it lives on in name only.

It’s like this: If a criminal kills your German shepherd named Rolf and replaces him … Read the rest of this article

Beauty, Art, and Race

by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 2, 2004)

TODAY I’VE BEEN READING a book entitled Personal Beauty and Racial Betterment. The book is very rare today. It was published in 1920, during that hopeful time when a strong and mostly-healthy America was awakening to the scientific truths about race and the infinite possibilities of racial progress. Knight Dunlap, the author, was a professor of experimental psychology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and a … Read the rest of this article