Tag Archives: futurism

For a Better Tomorrow, part 2

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 21 August, 2021

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-0821 – For a Better Tomorrow – part 2.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK we feature the second and concluding part of my recent interview on the Sonny Thomas Show on the Resolution Radio Network. When we left off last week we were discussing the denial of financial services to racial-nationalists and how the adoption of cryptocurrencies is making permissionless transactions possible now. The topics we’ll be discussing this time … Read the rest of this article

The Challenges We Face: An Open Letter to Elon Musk

Elon_MuskAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of May 23, 2015

On today’s program, Mr. Strom shares the letter he wrote to Elon Musk (pictured), the founder of Paypal and the man behind Tesla Motors and the pioneering private space exploration company SpaceX.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Mr. Elon Musk
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
Rocket Rd
Hawthorne  CA 90250

DEAR MR. Musk:

I recently watched the interview you gave to the World Post, and I was struck by your … Read the rest of this article

The Pine

Pine canyonby Däanlea and Kevin Alfred Strom


THIS POEM is really two poems by two authors.

The first part was sent to me by an aspiring new poet named Däanlea, whose work really deserves to be published in print one day.

The second part is my response.

This piece begins in a personal vein, and ends with an extension of the personal into the infinite.

We conscious and unconscious beings are all on a journey together. I hope this … Read the rest of this article

Charles Galton Darwin, Eugenics Advocate

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I WAS INTRIGUED and then pleased and then astounded as I listened to National Public Radio yesterday morning. As soon as I switched on my Boston Acoustics radio, I heard the resonant, engaging, elegant, and intelligent words of Charles Galton Darwin — Charles Darwin’s grandson and Francis Galton’s godson and a distinguished scientist in his own right — reading a radio essay that he had recorded in 1953. Amazingly, though he openly stated that improvements in … Read the rest of this article

Toward the Stars

500-3by  Kevin Alfred Strom  (American Dissident Voices radio program, October 5, 1992)

TODAY I WILL step back from the minutiae of social and political issues, and attempt to answer what are really the ultimate questions. Why should we or anyone else make sacrifices for our nation or our race? Why is it important for our race to survive? What is our basis for saying that some acts are right and good and others are wrong?

I can think … Read the rest of this article