Tag Archives: obama

Iran 2009, Iran 1953

Tehran skyline at night

IRAN 2009, IRAN 1953: It’s now widely accepted that the coup that installed the hated Shah in power in Iran in 1953 was engineered by Western intelligence agencies, mainly the CIA. The same thing appears to be happening there now, with the exception that the Zionists who now dominate the U.S. actually prefer Ahmadinejad to be in power for a while, as long as that power is tenuous and “we” have the ability to inflame the radicalism and violence of … Read the rest of this article

Has Anyone Noticed?

Flag in bloodbath

HAS ANYONE NOTICED?: “Our new president” has dismantled the NSA’s and CIA’s and FBI’s wiretapping and snooping programs… hasn’t he? He’s stopped the wars in the Middle East… right? And lobby groups for special interests like Wall Street and Israel no longer rule Washington… as promised, right?

Sorry, but… those were just more lies. What we have in Washington now is not the legal government of the United States of America. It is an illegal, illegitimate regime. Both ruling parties … Read the rest of this article

The Anthrax Attacks

ANTHRAX ATTACKS WORTHY OF STUDY: With Rahm Israel Emanuel, son of a member of the violent terrorist group Irgun, now the actual ruler of the United States (with “anti-war” Obama as a figurehead), expect to see a continuation of the Zionist wars in the Middle East, with some withdrawals from already-destroyed Iraq as a cover. One distinct possibility is an engineered or covertly encouraged “terror incident” to stampede ignorant Americans into supporting a new war, this time against … Read the rest of this article

Support for Israel mandatory

SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL MANDATORY: According to the Yeshiva University Commentator (which parses Barack Hussein Fetchit’s statements on the Middle East in Talmudic detail), pro-Zionism is for all practical purposes required for all candidates in the US these days, declaring that they all “will declare their undying support for the State of Israel.”… Read the rest of this article

Not Interested

NOT INTERESTED: Presidential elections in the United States are about as real as WWF wrestling matches — while small details may vary, all the important possibilities are choreographed in advance; all the major candidates (and the major ones are the only ones with a chance, thanks to the media controllers, as Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul well know) have been vetted by our masters beforehand.

Another good analogy is the electoral system in the old Soviet Union. … Read the rest of this article