Tag Archives: Will Williams

Progress: The William Luther Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center

American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 5, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom and William White Williams

WITH THE ARRIVAL of the year 2019, I am reminded that great things often begin in years that end in “9.” 1889 was the year the greatest man of the 20th century was born. The year the love of my life was born ends in a “9” too. And 2019 will be the year that the first construction begins on the the … Read the rest of this article

Counting Our Friends

national-alliance_winged_victory05The National Alliance is now reaching over 160,000 people every month with our message of hope through National Vanguard alone. Will you help us grow?

American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 15, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WE WHITE RACE-THINKERS need to visualize victory. (In the text version of this broadcast I’ve included a large, printable “Victory” poster showing Winged Victory as a goddess upholding our life rune, along with contact information for the National Alliance.) We need … Read the rest of this article

Will Williams: Standing Strong, part 3

Will_2016American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 23, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Part 1 of this interview

Part 2 of this interview

TODAY WE PRESENT the third and concluding part of our interview with William White Williams, Chairman of the National Alliance. (ILLUSTRATION: Will Williams on The Land, standing at the high overlook called Pierce Point)

When we left off last week, we were discussing the history of the National Alliance after Dr. Pierce’s death. Chairman Williams was just telling … Read the rest of this article

Will Williams: Standing Strong, part 2

William_White_WilliamsAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of April 16, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE CONTINUE our interview with the Chairman of the National Alliance, William White Williams (pictured). When we left off last week, Chairman Williams had just discussed his work with Ben Klassen, founder of a religion for White people called Creativity.

KAS: Your work for the Church of the Creator eventually brought you in contact with the National Alliance and Dr. Pierce, correct?

Read the rest of this article

Will Williams: Standing Strong, part 1

LT-Williams-on-the-riverAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of April 9, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE welcome to our American Dissident Voices microphones the Chairman of the National Alliance, William White Williams. Chairman Williams is an accomplished artist, a craftsman and builder, a Vietnam veteran, a former Captain in the Green Berets, and a long-term partisan of our race. More than anything else, though, I believe that Will Williams is a fighter for our people — a man who understands the tremendous … Read the rest of this article

Climbing the Mountain

WWW_portrait_xAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 12, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

FOUR DAYS ago a major step forward for the National Alliance happened in, of all places, a Virginia courtroom. Alliance Chairman William White Williams (pictured) was there and this is his report:

“A few months before I was named Chairman of the National Alliance, six former members — who all resigned from our organization three and one half years ago — formed an ad hoc group, calling themselves … Read the rest of this article

Solstice 2015

solstice_2015American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 19, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IN THE MID-1980s, National Alliance Chairman Dr. William Pierce was arrested and bodily removed from The Land that he had founded. The reason? A woman, a disgruntled ex-employee later discovered to be in the pay of the Alliance’s enemies, had charged him with assault and rape. She had wormed her way into Dr. Pierce’s confidence by volunteering to work as a secretary, had almost immediately tried to … Read the rest of this article

Forward Vision

William_White_WilliamsAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of October 17, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE PARTICIPANTS in the historic discussion you’re about to hear are Sheila Stewart and Barry Saunders of WQOK in Raleigh, North Carolina, Ray Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, and William White Williams (pictured) of the National Alliance.

The discussion took place in October, 1995 — twenty years ago — on the eve of the Nation of Islam-sponsored “Million Man March” of Blacks on Washington. At the time, … Read the rest of this article

The Land: 30 Years of White Community, part 1

propertyAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of August 8, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE PHOTOGRAPH above is an aerial view of a small part of the National Alliance community in West Virginia. This month is the 30th anniversary of The Land, the intentional White community of the National Alliance, located in the beautiful countryside near Hillsboro, West Virginia, and founded in 1985 by Dr. William L. Pierce. On today’s program, I’ll be celebrating that anniversary, sharing with you Dr. Pierce’s … Read the rest of this article

Do the Right Thing


American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 1, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LATER ON TODAY’s program I’ll be bringing you important news about the future of the National Alliance. But first let’s talk about race and “racism” — about doing the right thing in life — about why we’re here on planet Earth, and why the National Alliance exists in the first place.

* * *

THE WORD “racism” has been turned into a synonym for evil. But if … Read the rest of this article