Tag Archives: genocide

Since 1965: Fifty Years of Genocide

American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 21, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

I AM OLD ENOUGH to remember 1965. That was a time when the Jews had just begun their radical restructuring of our society. They’d already tricked us into two disastrous world wars in which we fought against our own best interests. They’d used us to take Germans and Italians and Hungarians and others — including Russians who didn’t want Communism — and slaughter them by the millions. … Read the rest of this article

Do the Right Thing


American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 1, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LATER ON TODAY’s program I’ll be bringing you important news about the future of the National Alliance. But first let’s talk about race and “racism” — about doing the right thing in life — about why we’re here on planet Earth, and why the National Alliance exists in the first place.

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THE WORD “racism” has been turned into a synonym for evil. But if … Read the rest of this article

Unlikely to be arrested

UNLIKELY TO BE ARRESTED: Even though “Minister King Samir Shabazz” openly calls for the murder of large numbers of White people, there is only a remote possibility of any US government interest in him anytime soon, in contrast to the immediate arrest of the dim-bulb skinhead kids who probably said something like “ummm… OK” when a federal infiltrator suggested that Obama be harmed.… Read the rest of this article