Tag Archives: religion

A New Religion for Us, part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 6, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WITHIN the lifetimes of some of my listeners, just before the middle of the 20th century, Aryan man achieved, in National Socialist Germany, a new way of life — a step forward in our evolution — which included the germs, the very beginnings, of a new spiritual development — a new religion. In making the advancement and progress of the race the purpose of the StateRead the rest of this article

Power, Purpose, and Permanence

universe_of_stars If we want to avoid wasting all our efforts, we must understand certain things.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 1, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

AS EPICTETUS said, “Nature hath given each of us one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak.” I read and listen a great deal more than I write or speak.

One thing that impresses me forcefully from my reading in the last few years — … Read the rest of this article

The Fragility of Infinity

Domenico Fetti - Archimedes Deep in Thought (1620)American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 6, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON THE ISLAND of Sicily, 2,200 years ago, a White man contemplated infinity. His name was Archimedes.

When you extend a dimensionless point into a line of any length, he reasoned, that point must be repeated in its new dimension an infinite number of times, and that is true no matter whether the line is a thousand million miles in length — or the length of your little … Read the rest of this article

The Essence

eostre_sunriseAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of April 4, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IF WE are going to survive, that means that we have to decide who “we” are. That’s so basic, so obvious, so essential that it’s amazing how few people give much thought to it.

The Blacks have very little trouble deciding who they are. They know at a glance. They know by instinct. And, primitive as they may be, they are racially-minded to a degree that White … Read the rest of this article


500-3American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 14, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

THE IDEA of “awakening the people” is a perennial chestnut of pro-American and pro-White political efforts — from paleoconservative Birchers to racialists of almost every stripe. “Awaken the American people” or “awaken White people” to their peril, and all will follow from that.

Our people slumber amidst a haze of media lies — so certainly awakening is necessary. But, equally certainly, all does not follow from that. … Read the rest of this article

Casting Off the Chains

OnwardAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of July 26, 2014

We are held down by an irrational concentration on the botched and the stupid. Conscious upward evolution has the potential to liberate us in every realm of life.

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured, right, in a recent meeting with National Alliance director Will Williams)

A FRIEND OF MINE has a wife who is dying of cancer. While she was undergoing cancer surgery, she suffered a severe stroke. It’s a tragedy on many … Read the rest of this article

William Pierce: Cosmotheism’s Hard Way


American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 19, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

This week marks 12 years since the death of my teacher, mentor, and friend William Pierce. It’s a time to reflect on his legacy — and our responsibility. This program is partly based on my 2013 appreciation of Dr. Pierce, Tomorrow’s Religion, which I composed before restarting American Dissident Voices and which, in updated form, deserves to be a part of the ADV legacy. In today’s … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: Petty Nationalism and Religion

GOTT_MIT_UNSAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 8, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ONE LETTER-WRITER to American Dissident Voices objected to my article on US meddling in Ukraine, “The New Cold War,” calling it “an insult to true nationalists on the streets.” I suggested in my program that the Ukrainian patriots who’ve been tempted to ally themselves with the regime in Washington and the EU — or who acted in a way that advanced the EU/US agenda — would eventually come … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: Toward a New Consciousness

William-Luther-PierceAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 1, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A “TAX DODGE.” A “bogus religion.” Something he “abandoned” in later years in hopes of attracting Christians. So have William Pierce’s opponents, both within and without White nationalist circles, characterized Cosmotheism, the religion founded by Dr. Pierce. (ILLUSTRATION: Dr. William Pierce, founder of both Cosmotheism and the National Alliance. Image source: Kevin Alfred Strom)

But these characterizations are false. The Cosmotheist world view — the view that our … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: An Evolutionary Morality

darwinAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of January 11, 2014


by Kevin Alfred Strom

TO CREATE AND PROPAGATE a true and unshakable moral basis for the survival of our race is the most fundamental task of the National Alliance. (ILLUSTRATION: Charles Darwin. His discovery of biological evolution has profound moral implications.)

If we were to, say, elect a few pro-White politicians or repeal a few anti-White laws — as difficult as those propositions would be these days — but we just … Read the rest of this article