Tag Archives: Kevin Strom

Martin Luther King Article Causes Controversy

School board member and radio station manager attacked by ADL, receives death threats for MLK commentary

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A GUEST EDITORIAL — based largely on my exposé of Martin Luther King — has been airing on Greeley, Colorado’s KELS-FM twice daily in the days leading up to the federal MLK holiday, and the sparks are flying as the Usual Suspects try to get the truth off the air — and punish the man responsible for the broadcast.

Brett … Read the rest of this article

Multiracialists Are Crazy, part 2

Racial self-determination is the sane way to organize societies; multiracialism is an irrational quasi-religion and is extremely dangerous.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHAT IS A MULTIRACIALIST? He’s crazy — I told you that in my last installment. And he’s genocidal. Multiracialists believe that we should incorporate many races into our society, all under one government. Let’s take a brief look at just how crazy that is.

On New Year’s Day, 2006, in broad daylight in an old, established neighborhood … Read the rest of this article

Multiracialists Are Crazy, part 1

by Kevin Alfred Strom

CRAZY PEOPLE say some really funny things, if you like absurd humor. A crazy person may believe that locomotives are actually made out of marshmallows. Or he may think that the only reason we can’t drink bleach without harmful effects is because we haven’t prayed to the right deity in precisely the right manner. And some lunatics are quite intelligent in their way, and may be able to produce creative and internally consistent arguments at some … Read the rest of this article

Conservatism Is Not the Answer

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

AMERICA IS FALLING to the invaders before our eyes. Our borders are open, and a large faction of an ostensibly conservative party wants to open them even further. So do their opponents. Our women and children are increasingly raped, beaten, and killed by non-White gangs, demographic trends forecast the doom of our race, our soldiers have become nothing but enforcers for a criminal foreign state — and yet the people blithely play their ball games, … Read the rest of this article

The Banishment of Beauty

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HERE IS AN AMAZING four-part video series (43 minutes total and well worth the time) by the painter Scott Burdick. Don’t be put off by the fact that Burdick goes out of his way — way, way out of his way — to show traditional Western art, some of it his own, that depicts non-Whites. It’s as if he’s saying “see how non-racist I am,” to deflect attention from the fact the the rising Art Underground … Read the rest of this article

Hal Turner: A Special Case

by Kevin Alfred Strom

MUCH HAS BEEN written about the effects of the Hal Turner conviction on what is left of free speech in America. I agree that it will have what lawyers and the cliché-ridden call a “chilling effect.” But so much of what has been written misses the most important fact in the case.

Hal Turner was a fake. A phony.

He was not really a critic of the regime in Washington.… Read the rest of this article

Thanks to EU Times

THANKS TO EU TIMES: My thanks go out to the European Union Times, which — alone among important media outlets — spoke out for justice throughout my travails, telling both sides of the story in their news reporting and calling for my release in editorials. They stated “Kevin Alfred Strom is innocent,” saying of me that “he dedicated his life to fighting against pornography, child pornography, rape, murder… How could they even accuse him of such nonsense?” In … Read the rest of this article

Perjurer Exposed Again

Stalking: Psychiatric Perspectives

PERJURER EXPOSED AGAIN: Evidence is mounting that Elisha Strom, the woman whose perjured testimony and work with the so-called Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) caused false federal charges to be filed against me, had several inappropriate relationships with the local and “terrorism task force” officers she was at first working with — and then turned against, causing her to be arrested for stalking them, harassing them, and interfering with them. Both she and the JTTF avoided a trial full of … Read the rest of this article

Goodbye Analogue TV

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE LOGO IMAGE I’m using this month on kevinalfredstrom.com is my little tribute to the end of analogue TV broadcasting. Though most of my work has been in the radio and print media, I have produced or appeared in videos, including Richmond, Virginia’s Race and Reason program, the Revilo P. Oliver memorial film, and others.

As we mark the end of analogue television broadcasting in the United States, it’s good to remember its beginning — and … Read the rest of this article

Art Gallery Restored

Tremois Maternite (click to visit gallery)

ART GALLERY RESTORED: After a too-long absence due to serious damage done by hackers, my art and photography gallery is now back online! Let me know if you experience any glitches or missing images. There are categories for paintings, sculpture, portraits, personal photographs, digital art, and more. It can be accessed using the ‘Art’ link in the menu near the top of this page.… Read the rest of this article