Tag Archives: parasitism

Parasites and Creators

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 October, 2021

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-1023 – Parasites and Creators.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ALTHOUGH Jews are only about 2 to 3% of the US population, they constitute 23% of the wealthiest Americans, 30% of the faculty at “elite” universities, 11% of Nobel physics prizes, 60% of Yale graduate students, 60% of “top Hollywood positions” (according to 60 Minutes), and 76% of “most influential intellectuals” (according to Alan Dershowitz).… Read the rest of this article

The Awakening Process, part 2

A tiny songbird, right, exhausts itself feeding a huge parasite chick it has been tricked into believing is its own. Such parasitism sometimes leads to death of the parents through exhaustion, and almost always results in the death of their true chicks.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 11 January, 2020

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0111 – The Awakening Process part 2.mp3

TODAY, we conclude our series “The Awakening Process,” as we look at those writers and thinkers who in … Read the rest of this article

The Awakening Process, part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 January, 2020

by Kevin Alfred Strom

https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0104 – The Awakening Process part 1.mp3

GRADUALLY, our people are awakening to their peril. By “awakening,” I do not mean just developing racial consciousness. That is a necessary — but not sufficient — part of the awakening process. I do not just mean realizing that Jews are a racially different people from our own, with their own interests that often directly oppose ours — that, too, … Read the rest of this article

It’s All Biological, part 4

parasitic_mouth_lampreyAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of August 27, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

CERTAIN PARASITES in Nature engage in mind control of their hosts. This can be seen as similar, parallel behavior to the mind control engaged in by Jews (through religion and through their ownership of media of news and entertainment), who I am characterizing in this series as a human subspecies that has evolved to be a parasite on other humans. (ILLUSTRATION: Parasites aren’t pretty; the parasitic … Read the rest of this article

It’s All Biological, part 3

HIVAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of August 20, 2016

Alchemists tried in vain for centuries to make lead into gold. Jews were more successful. They figured out how to make nothing into money — through fractional reserve banking. And, even more importantly, they also figured out how to make lies into “truth.”

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE WORDS “ANTI-SEMITISM” and “anti-Semite” are the way Jews call White people “niggers.” These attack words are meant to shame those who have … Read the rest of this article

It’s All Biological, part 2

ReadingOfTheTorahAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of August 13, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON LAST WEEK’S program I showed you that, over many centuries, European man

evolved… a mode of life that involved living off the land, as did many other races and peoples. The Jews, on the other hand, evolved into a mode of life that involved living off those who lived off the land.

And I put forward the the thesis that:

There is a name for the … Read the rest of this article

It’s All Biological, part 1

biocentric03_nationalvanguard_dot_orgAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of August 6, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THERE IS GROWING awareness of the Jewish problem among our people. It’s hard to hide the fact that Trump has surrounded himself with Jewish handlers, advisers, and money men. Even Forbes magazine openly admits — and even publishes charts showing — that practically all of the top multimillion-dollar donors to the War Hag (also known as Hillary Clinton) are Jews.

Although more-than-minimally-literate people are now the … Read the rest of this article

A Lesson From Nature

The threats to American songbirds dramatically illustrate the dire plight of European-Americans.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

published as part of the American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 10, 2005

ONE OF MY small pleasures in life is bird watching, which gives me some peace in this world of constant conflict.

Over the years, I have discovered that there is a great deal to be learned from our avian neighbors, lessons that illustrate the laws of Nature that apply to us … Read the rest of this article