Tag Archives: William Luther Pierce

Eckart and Hitler on Jewish Bolshevism, part 1

pierce-oil-300x399American Dissident Voices broadcast of September 3, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS MONTH, September 2016, marks the 83rd anniversary of the birth of Dr. William Pierce, the founder of the National Alliance. (ILLUSTRATION: portrait of William Pierce painted by William White Williams)

All this month we will be celebrating the life of this extraordinary man, who gave hope to the White people of the Earth during a dark era, and who brought our people to an entirely new understanding … Read the rest of this article

Will Williams: Standing Strong, part 2

William_White_WilliamsAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of April 16, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE CONTINUE our interview with the Chairman of the National Alliance, William White Williams (pictured). When we left off last week, Chairman Williams had just discussed his work with Ben Klassen, founder of a religion for White people called Creativity.

KAS: Your work for the Church of the Creator eventually brought you in contact with the National Alliance and Dr. Pierce, correct?

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Solstice 2015

solstice_2015American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 19, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IN THE MID-1980s, National Alliance Chairman Dr. William Pierce was arrested and bodily removed from The Land that he had founded. The reason? A woman, a disgruntled ex-employee later discovered to be in the pay of the Alliance’s enemies, had charged him with assault and rape. She had wormed her way into Dr. Pierce’s confidence by volunteering to work as a secretary, had almost immediately tried to … Read the rest of this article

William Pierce: Preparing the Way, part 1

William Pierce medallion designed by Kevin Alfred StromAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of September 12, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom with
Malcolm P. Shiel, Editor

I AM WRITING and recording this broadcast on September 11, 2015 — the late William Luther Pierce’s 82nd birthday. To honor him, I commissioned National Vanguard writer and editor Malcolm Shiel to take a number of mostly hostile pieces written about Dr. Pierce, and extract from them the real essence of the man; edit out the hostile and inaccurate, leave in the

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The Land: 30 Years of White Community, part 2

The_Land_2001American Dissident Voices broadcast of September 5, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

EVER SINCE 1985, The Land — Dr. William Pierce’s intentional White community in West Virginia –  has been a part of my life. (ILLUSTRATION: The main building on The Land, where American Dissident Voices began, and where Dr. Hermann Oberth and Hans Schmidt came to honor the birth of this new community with its founder William Pierce.)… Read the rest of this article

William Pierce: Teacher

william-pierce-outdoorsAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of July 18, 2015

William Pierce (1933-2002; pictured) saw more deeply into the nature of life — and farther into the future — than any other thinker of modern times. Today’s broadcast looks at Dr. Pierce’s vision, based on his own words and on pieces written by Mr. Strom and others over the last 13 years.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WILLIAM PIERCE changed my life. And I predict that his ideas will change the lives of … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: Toward a New Consciousness

William-Luther-PierceAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 1, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A “TAX DODGE.” A “bogus religion.” Something he “abandoned” in later years in hopes of attracting Christians. So have William Pierce’s opponents, both within and without White nationalist circles, characterized Cosmotheism, the religion founded by Dr. Pierce. (ILLUSTRATION: Dr. William Pierce, founder of both Cosmotheism and the National Alliance. Image source: Kevin Alfred Strom)

But these characterizations are false. The Cosmotheist world view — the view that our … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: What is Right and What is Wrong

Life rune flag

American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 4, 2014


by Kevin Alfred Strom

EACH OF US has only a few years to live. At our conception, we awaken from a sleep that has lasted for millions of centuries. We walk this Earth for a few paltry years. We are nurtured by parents and family. We receive love. If we prove strong enough, we give love. If we do right, we find a mate, overcome whatever obstacles there may be, and … Read the rest of this article

I Remember Dr. Pierce

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HIS FOOTPATH TO THE HEIGHTS is almost invisible now, overgrown with timothy grass and mountain laurel, tenanted by bees heavy with nectar and pollen instead of by a man heavy with the future.

Morning after morning, for almost two decades, William Luther Pierce would take this path and ascend to the highest point on what he simply called “The Land.” At the summit, he would look out, all the way to the horizon, upon a creamy,

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