Tag Archives: America

July 4th: A Sham and a Lie

flag_of_communist_americaAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of July 4, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IT’S JULY 4th again — so-called Independence Day. The day we watch the Chinese fireworks and eat the carcinogenic hot dogs and get drunk out of our minds and pretend that we have something to celebrate. The day we pretend that we are free.

What are the characteristics of a free, independent people?

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The Nation as Idea

They want to suppress the idea of racial self-determination because they know it has the power to remake the world.

by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 1, 2006)

A NATION FOUNDED on ideas or religion or on geography alone is an artificial construct. It will die when its founding race is replaced, even if it lives on in name only.

It’s like this: If a criminal kills your German shepherd named Rolf and replaces him … Read the rest of this article