Tag Archives: Donald Trump

A White Workers’ Movement: An Open Letter to Donald Trump, part 1

kas_0001890-x4American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 12, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)


It was White people who elected you.

More specifically, it was White workers who elected you. They gave their votes to you. Now you need to come through for them.

White workers: You know, the people that the “liberal” elites like to sneer at — the people who make the wheels of industry turn and who grow the crops that we and … Read the rest of this article

Waking Up in a New America

sunrise_usaAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of November 5, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHEN YOU WAKE UP on November 9th, will you be waking up in a new America? Yes you will. Not because “God Emperor Trump” is the savior of the White race. He is not. Not because electoral politics of any kind are the answer to our plight. They are not.… Read the rest of this article

Our Color Revolution

kas_fun_city_20161021_6861American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 22, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I WENT TO a Donald Trump rally yesterday in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, along with Vanessa Neubauer. It was an interesting experience. I’ve already expressed my reservations about Donald Trump on this program, but I have to say — it’s a pretty amazing feeling to be in a crowd of 10,000 people — 99 per cent. of them White people here in 90 per cent. White Cambria County … Read the rest of this article

Donald Trump and the Unwritten Constitution

American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 23, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THERE IS an Unwritten Constitution that binds every government of every nation. It stands above any written law or constitution made by men. This Unwritten Constitution is but an expression of Nature’s immutable laws as they apply to human societies.

And that Unwritten Constitution is this: The function of government is to serve the survival, best interests, and upward progress of the biological group — the race; Read the rest of this article

Trumpery Cubed

Voting_flyer-letter-sizeAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of May 7, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A WALL ON the border with Mexico — with a “big, beautiful door in it” (as Donald Trump now says) so that the flow of invaders can continue as long as the proper paperwork is filled out. Is this what we want? Don’t be ridiculous. The Whites who are being used by the rapidly-“mainstreaming” Trump organization gave their support and enthusiasm to Donald Trump because he promised a … Read the rest of this article

Trumpery Squared

making_america_greatAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 5, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

USUALLY THE quadrennial circus of presidential politics here in the US is corny, scripted, banal, and deadly boring. The “battle” between smiling liar number 1 and smiling liar number 2 is a bore because almost everyone knows, if only instinctively, that all the smilers have been pre-approved by the money-men behind the scenes and that nothing significant is going to change. The more astute have even figured … Read the rest of this article