Tag Archives: sex

Real Child Abuse

Norman_Spack_cropAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of April 30, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HE’S JUST LIKE Josef Mengele, but real. Mengele was a World War 2 German medical doctor who was alleged by Jews to have been a “Nazi” monster who performed horrible medical experiments, especially on helpless children — experiments such as injecting blue dye into a child’s eyeballs to “turn brown eyes blue” and the like. The 70-year-old story of Joseph Mengele, however, is almost entirely mythical Read the rest of this article

Teaching Sexual Morality

reading_pierceAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 19, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHEN A CHILD is born to decent White parents, even in today’s corrupt society, he or she is usually given a fairly good start in understanding where he or she came from — and why. Your mother and father had a great love for each other, we tell the child, and out of that love we made you. All the love that we possess for each Read the rest of this article

The Barren Land

suburb_07American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 2, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY I walked, as I do almost every day now, the mile or two to the local grocery store. And I noticed and experienced several things. I live in a suburban area on the outskirts of a nearly all-White city. I have to go through a lot of winding streets before I hit the main avenue where the stores are. So every day I get to see … Read the rest of this article

The Informed — and the Informers

Abraham RubinAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of February 7, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A JEW recently wrote to National Vanguard, complaining that my programs on Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Slave Island, though accurate,  were nevertheless, as he put it, “anti-Semitic tripe.” He insisted that “I need to lose the Jew hatred” and said that he despised Dershowitz and Epstein himself — and hoped they’d be “put away for 1,000 years.” I think it’s likely that the writer was sincere, though … Read the rest of this article

Galsworthy’s “The Apple Tree”

GALSWORTHY’S “THE APPLE TREE”: This work by John Galsworthy (pictured) is surely one of the greatest short stories in the English language. It sensitively and artistically delineates the deep feelings, the rapture, the ecstasy, the tragedy, and the compromises and social strictures that surround erotic and romantic love.

I think it also says something new to modern men and women who live in a world of cheapened sex, who may not yet understand how deeply Cupid’s arrow may — and … Read the rest of this article