Tag Archives: inflation

Alternative Currency: Now a Crime?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I’VE MENTIONED ALTERNATIVE currencies — usually private efforts to help the local or national economy without resorting to debt, usurious interest, the banks, or the Fed — in a supportive way on this site before.

Recently I learned that the creators of some of the most interesting and successful alternative currencies — the Hawaiian Dala, the California Bear, the Chambersburg Dollar, the Evansville Dollar, the Liberty Dollar, the Peace Dollar, and the Ron Paul DollarRead the rest of this article

Bankrupting the Country

Dollars Falling from the Sky

BANKRUPTING THE COUNTRY?: Many economists these days are expressing fears that the “stimulus” program and spending sprees of the regime in Washington could lead to severe inflation, “bankrupting the country.” They make a good case, but it’s a little confusing when they refer to bankrupting the country when really they’re referring to bankrupting the government. Bankrupting (and eventually totally discrediting) the government is certainly very bad for the government — but it might end up being very good indeed … Read the rest of this article

What is Wealth?

inaugural noteWhat is money, really? What is wealth? And what do ‘economic stimulus’ and war and foreign aid do to our wealth?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

based on the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 10, 2004

IN 1957, Julian Huxley wrote about the dangers the world might face in 2007. He told of a world wracked by environmental destruction, falling standards of living, the despair and desperation of the hopeless, and a decline in the creative spirit that makes all … Read the rest of this article