Tag Archives: debt

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 1

Our enemies have created a fraudulent system that pays them — without working — an ever-increasing cut of the wealth produced by honest men. One of our goals is to expose and then put a stop to this crime.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 16, 2018

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HONEST MEN do useful work, and increase the well-being of themselves, their families, and the entire race when they do so. Dishonest men game the system so … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: More Debt for Us, More Children for Them

drcAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 8, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TRAPPED. That’s the way many young, mostly White, college graduates feel today. Trapped by student loan debt. They were told they needed a college degree to compete in the job market. They were told by interested parties — the banks and the colleges — that “money is available” to pay their ever-rising tuition bills — and so, being unsophisticated in the ways of finance, they signed up for … Read the rest of this article

Perpetual Growth is Impossible

Chessboard diagram: exponential growth

PERPETUAL GROWTH IS IMPOSSIBLE: We’ve all heard the story of the clever merchant who asked the King to pay him with grains of wheat placed on a chessboard. On the first square he was to receive one grain; on the second, two grains; on the third, four grains — doubling with every square up to the 64th. The King readily agreed to pay such a small sum; How much could it add up to in just 63 doublings, after all? … Read the rest of this article

Local Currencies


LOCAL CURRENCIES: Some communities are partially opting out of the debt-money system that is ruling us, failing us, and taking our wealth. They issue their own currency and back it with goods and services produced locally.

The local-currency movement displays a fascinating set of trends: away from globalization, away from corporate control, away from central government control, away from homogenization, away from commercial banking control over wealth and credit, and away from the appalling unsustainability of credit-money at compound interest.… Read the rest of this article

Bankrupting the Country

Dollars Falling from the Sky

BANKRUPTING THE COUNTRY?: Many economists these days are expressing fears that the “stimulus” program and spending sprees of the regime in Washington could lead to severe inflation, “bankrupting the country.” They make a good case, but it’s a little confusing when they refer to bankrupting the country when really they’re referring to bankrupting the government. Bankrupting (and eventually totally discrediting) the government is certainly very bad for the government — but it might end up being very good indeed … Read the rest of this article