Tag Archives: Strategy

Caravans, Sex, and Supermurders

American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 24, 2018

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHAT IS A supermurder? How is it different from a simple murder? How is it distinguished from genocide? You’re about to find out.

Today the media are abuzz with the story of the thousand-strong illegal invader “caravan” marching across Mexico unimpeded from Honduras, living off the land — they say — and ignored by the Mexican authorities, crossing hundreds upon hundreds of miles, week by … Read the rest of this article

Let’s Crush Some Delusions

American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 15, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ONCE someone asked me what my purpose in life was. I answered, somewhat flippantly, that it was my lifetime duty to show White people that almost everything they have been taught for their entire lives is the opposite of true and the opposite of moral — especially those things that they were told were sacred and holy. Perhaps that was a slight exaggeration. But it is true … Read the rest of this article

World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 4

American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 15, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE ALT-RIGHTERS who led the Trump train to victory would be spinning in their graves — if they weren’t still alive, a fact of which neither they nor I may be too sure these days, considering how rapidly their world has collapsed. In just a couple of weeks, not only has their “god emperor” loaded his administration with ever more war hawks and Goldman Sachs parasites, just … Read the rest of this article