Israel and America Have the Same Problem

White percentage of U.S. population

ISRAEL AND AMERICA HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM: According to physicist and writer James Miller, Israel’s demographic Waterloo is rapidly approaching: Jews will become a minority in the Zionist state by 2016. As Miller notes, ‘Arab-Israelis have 3.1 times the birthrate of Jewish-Israelis. It’s just a matter of time before the so-called “Jewish State” is no more.’ Israeli Jews who see this peril are willing to give up territory to have a more ethnically pure state and assure their survival as a people.

We need to heed the lesson here — European-Americans will meet our demographic Waterloo soon, too — I predict by 2030. Here’s what I said about the birth rate time bomb in 1996: “Most non-White groups here have a higher birthrate than White Americans, a fact that guarantees that they will inherit this country in a few generations even if all immigration is halted tomorrow and never resumes. What is really needed is a repatriation program. It would even be worth giving up some territory, if necessary, to achieve a peaceful negotiated separation. It would be worth any cost in money and labor.”