Hearts and Minds

American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 4, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE LIARS of the mass media can be beaten. The career of the late Leonard Dinnerstein, his acolytes, and their easily-disproved lies about Jewish sex killer Leo Frank is a case in point. We’re winning that battle, and I’ll tell you more about that later in the program.

New Banner With Radical Alliance Message

But first let me encourage you with a new outreach tool National Alliance Chairman Will Williams created and which you can see in a large, high-resolution photograph in the text version of this broadcast on nationalvanguard.org — it’s our huge new banner, a full ten feet long and five feet high, ready to be mounted or held aloft by intrepid Alliance activists wherever the White public is likely to see it and want to know more. Its message, positioned next to the infamous “illegal immigrant crossing” sign, is: “Send them back. They can’t make White babies.” As we said in our printed National Alliance BULLETIN last month:

The National Alliance dares to say what other more timid or misguided anti-invasion groups are afraid to say: The invaders must be removed from our society because they are not White and because they cannot produce White children, the only kind of children we can allow in our living space if we are to survive.

Our huge 5-foot by 10-foot banner with the Alliance’s radical message, simply stating the all-important biological fact that the controlled media and the “conservatives” refuse to mention, was unfurled for the first time in April. When it comes to immigration, conservatives harp on crime, drugs, disease, welfare expenditures, and everything else except the central, essential truth that the non-White invaders are drastically impacting the racial health of our nation because they can’t make White babies! We hope this pithy slogan will catch on and supplant such wimpy memes as “It’s OK to be White.” We will provide our activists with a flier that carries this radical message in May, as well as a high-resolution file that can be used to have a banner just like ours printed at your local print shop.

Well, that digital file — so you can print your own banners; and that flier link — which you can use to print out mass quantities of the flier version of the same image — are now downloadable from our repository of free National Alliance activist materials which you can find online at natall.com/fliers. That’s easy to remember if you’re listening on the radio and don’t have a pen or pencil to make a note right now — it is simply natall.com/fliers. (And, yes, either of the two alternate spellings of the word “fliers” will work.)

Your local print shop can print a 10-foot by 5-foot banner if you supply them with the high-resolution image linked to this thumbnail picture.

There’s absolutely zero reason for anyone to be shy about promoting our “They can’t make White babies” meme. It’s good to make White babies; it’s necessary to make White babies; and only White people can make White babies. It’s about time someone starting emphasizing those essential truths! White people must continue to exist and to reproduce, and anyone who opposes that, and anyone who opposes us saying that, is a vile hater of the worst order.

This version is formatted to print an 8-inch by 10.5-inch image on standard letter-sized paper.

We, on the other hand, are saying nothing against other races at all — even the “send them back” part of our message doesn’t take away any right they have to make their own babies in their own lands — but no race can survive without its own territory, and our White children, and their children, and all the generations that will ever be born call out to our hearts and our minds and our hands to spread this essential message so that they may live! And there’s something liberating, exhilarating, and ennobling about finally telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So take that step — do what’s right — and change this world for the better.

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Leonard Dinnerstein — what a joke

National Vanguard writer Steve Ranes tells us how once-famed Jewish “historian” — better to call him a twistorian, I think — Leonard Dinnerstein started out — and how he ended up:

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Leonard Dinnerstein

With the rise of the Internet, and the ability of independent scholars to examine original documents, this prominent Jewish historian’s life’s work — an effort to exonerate Jewish sex killer Leo Frank — became a laughingstock.

JEWISH SUPREMACIST, anti-Gentile activist and history-distorter Leonard Dinnerstein has died at age 84. 106 years after Mary Phagan’s death, it is fitting that we examine Dinnerstein’s career, which was in large part devoted to an attempt to exonerate Jewish sex killer Leo Frank, who killed Mary Phagan, and cover up the mountain of evidence that he was guilty.

Special thanks to the students of the Leo Frank case and the writers at The American MercuryNational Vanguard, and the Leo Frank Case Research Library who discussed and brought Dinnerstein and his baleful influence on scholarship to our awareness.

Leonard Dinnerstein (1934-2019) is dead and thus so is his part in a dark chapter in American pseudo-academic fraud about Jewish-Gentile relations regarding the Frank-Phagan affair (1913-1915, 1982-1986). And there are signs that the dark chapter itself is about to end.

Leonard Dinnerstein’s half-century-long promulgation of partisan Jewish activist pseudo-scholarship on the Leo Frank Case (he earned his Ph.D., at Columbia University, 1966, with a poorly-constructed and highly biased dissertation on the case; this was published in book form as The Leo Frank Case, 1968, with a number of editions thereafter into the late 20th and early 21st century) set back our understanding of this sensational and contentious 1913-1915 double murder true crime by decades. Dinnerstein’s false narrative was supported by other Jews in both the academy and popular culture. His numerous ideological heirs have aggressively perpetuated the Frank case as a form of Jewish-Gentile pseudo-intellectual ethnic warfare (one of many examples: Robert Seitz Frey’s The Silent and the Damned: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank, 1988).

The plain fact is that Dinnerstein’s main thesis — that there was strong Southern “anti-Semitism” and that it led to a false prosecution of Frank — has been thoroughly debunked. The American South, in fact, was and is the most philo-Semitic section of the country and perhaps even the world.

Dinnerstein not only prostituted the term “anti-Semitism” with his prolific bashing of the American South on the subject during his lifetime (one of many examples, “Leo Frank and the Jewish Community,” American Jewish Archive Journal, 1968), something that you’d think even thoughtful Jews would be wary of, but he provided grist for a number of major fear-mongering racketeering groups such as ADL. That group regularly promotes the anti-Gentile “Hang the Jew Cheerleading Hoax” myth that Dinnerstein originated (see Rabbi Steven Lebow, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 2000; Abraham Foxman, op ed 2005; Lauren Jones, ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, 2017, and many others too many to mention — also see the audiobook, part 10, of the Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 3 — now censored by Amazon, by the way — at The American Mercury).

“Hang the Jew or We’ll Hang You!”

In this anti-Gentile blood libel, endlessly repeated by the Academia-Hollywood-Industrial-Complex using the big lie method, we are told a tale about supposed mobs of hysterical southern Protestant “anti-Semites,” who were supposedly screaming anti-Jewish death threats into the open windows of the courtroom while the proceedings of the Leo Frank trial were being conducted in front of a packed audience.

This hoax was most effectively debunked in the American Mercury‘s audio book series based on the National of Islam’s book — see section nine and section ten of the audio version — which is now banned by Amazon.

In one example of Dinnerstein’s many falsifications of history, he writes in The American Jewish Archive Journal, 1968:

Beyond the main testimony, the jurors had little more on which to base their decision than hearsay, rumors, and unsubstantiated accusations. Yet most members of the public were thoroughly convinced of the defendant’s guilt and made their voices heard. The intense summer heat necessitated that the courtroom windows be left open, and remarks from the crowds could be heard easily by those inside. “Crack the Jew’s neck!” — “Lynch him!” — were some of the epithets emerging from the more boisterous. Threats were also made against the jury that they would be lynched if they did not hang that “damned sheeny.”

Academia, Dinnerstein’s undeserved domain, is upstream from society and politics. Millions therefore accepted Dinnerstein’s pseudo-intellectual propaganda that Frank was convicted because of “anti-Semites” conspiring against him from day one after the abused and battered body of 13-year-old Mary Phagan was discovered in the early morning hours of Sunday, April 27th, 1913. Most of these millions know nothing about the facts which encircled Leo Frank and made it inevitable that he would be indicted and convicted of the sex killing — and lose every appeal he launched, all the way to the United States Supreme Court. Those millions, when they think of the Frank case, see only the fictionalized narrative woven by Dinnerstein over generations. Dinnerstein’s work is in fact a form of psychological war against Gentiles, most of whom see, when Frank’s name is mentioned, not a pervert and a strangler of a young girl, but who instead visualize in technicolor through Dinnerstein’s and Hollywood’s disfigured imagination, an anti-Jewish mob of booger-eating “rednecks,” belligerently terrorizing the jury, defense team, and judge, making the trial a form of a Salem witch hunt against an angelic and innocent Frank, with their murderous hatred rubber-stamped by a kangaroo court.

Pierre van Paassen, who, in addition to penning some rather incredible tales about the Leo Frank case, also claimed to have seen ghostly black dogs who could appear and disappear at will.

Dinnerstein also uncritically promoted the bizarre “bite mark” hoax of Pierre van Paassen. Van Paassen wasn’t Jewish so far as we know, but he slavishly followed — and even elaborated on — the Jewish line in his hack journalism career which tracked the Jewish rise to media domination in the 20th century. He’s seldom mentioned today because his hoaxes are so transparent, and his writing so unremittingly bad, that he is an embarrassment.

But Dinnerstein cites the “bite mark” hoax as if it were established fact. It consists of a ridiculous claim that there were bite marks on Mary Phagan’s body and that x-rays of these bite marks — yes, you heard me right; x-rays of bite marks! — did not match Leo Frank’s dental records. Suffice it to say that no one whatsoever had ever claimed there were such marks on Mary’s body before van Paassen made it up.

And, even more embarrassingly for Dinnerstein, he didn’t even note van Paassen’s egregious, laughable errors of fact: Leo Frank was not lynched on his way to his murder trial in 1913 as van Paassen stated. He was tried and sentenced to death by Judge Leonard Strickland Roan on August 26, 1913, but the hanging took place nearly two years later on August 17, 1915. Leo Frank went on trial in Atlanta, not 170 miles away in Milledgeville where the hoaxer van Paassen suggests the trial was scheduled. The most bizarre claim of van Paassen — not corrected, not even mentioned by Dinnerstein — is that Leo Frank “had not even been tried,” when in fact his trial was the longest, most sensational, and most expensive in Georgia history, the stuff of front-page headlines for weeks on end just nine years before van Paassen’s supposed “investigation.”

Now do you see why Dinnerstein is a laughingstock?

Dinnerstein laid the groundwork for cultural Marxists, anti-White leftists, which-ever-way-the-wind-blows professors, and Jewish activist academics, to transform the trial and conviction of sex strangler Frank (1884-1915)  into a soap opera-style tragedy with Frank as the victim, a maudlin hagiography about a “noble martyr” to “anti-Semitism.” It’s gaudy Jewish-American Kabuki at its finest and a pivotal part of the modern effort to re-paint White-hating Jews as stoic victims in a fictional landscape of “racist” White Americans. The real landscape is very nearly the opposite: wealthy, privileged racist Jews demonizing Blacks (Dinnerstein blames an innocent Black man, James Conley, for Mary Phagan’s murder) and ferociously demonizing Whites who offered almost no resistance to the Jewish ascent over them, who willingly and even eagerly handed over high positions in their society to Jews — Jews like Leonard Dinnerstein who repaid such kindness with weaponized hate and lies.

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Well, as I said — Dinnerstein started his career when the Jews were the almost exclusive gatekeepers of the media; when CBS and PBS and ABC and NBC and the big newspapers were just about all there was, and all of them controlled by Jews. Dinnerstein, like van Paassen, and like many others, could advance his personal fortune by toeing the Jewish line, and doing so sloppily and even through deliberate hoaxing didn’t hurt his career, because all of those who would call him out for his mistakes and his lies were silenced, had no platform for their words, were attacked as “racists” and “anti-Semites,” and were afraid of losing their jobs. That situation allowed the “image-makers” to turn very mediocre liar Dinnerstein into a “respected” and “revered historian.”

But things are different now. Truth-tellers like the folks at National Vanguard and The Leo Frank Case Research Library and The American Mercury have platforms now — and an ever-growing audience. And now, on the cusp of his death and the end of his career, Leonard Dinnerstein is just what he deserves to be: a laughingstock. Google and the networks may still be pushing the “revered historian” line, but people who make a point to know what’s really happening — and that includes many who don’t agree with us politically — aren’t buying that anymore.

The efforts of our own Vanessa Neubauer and the many audio books she has produced, and myself, and the editorial teams at the aforementioned Web sites, have had a profound effect on what people see when they do research on the Leo Frank case.

Search engine results are a case in point. Search for “Leo Frank case” or “Leo Frank not guilty” or similar searches on Jewish-run Google and you’ll find that National Vanguard and the other truth-tellers have been almost totally wiped from the search results, though sometimes an American Mercury or other truth-telling article or two gets through Google’s censorship algorithm. But search on the many alternative search engines now available and you’ll find a very different picture. On Switzerland’s Etools search engine


or on Russia’s Yandex search engine


or on France’s Qwant search engine


or, astoundingly, on Microsoft’s Bing search engine


or on the Germany/UK Mojeek search engine


or on Switzerland’s Swisscows search engine


you will find that the truth-tellers all appear in significant numbers on the very first page or two of search results. That’s reaching out in a way that really counts — with irrefutable facts. (And Google’s censorship just proves our point, so there’s no way out for them.) That’s moving people’s hearts by showing them in no uncertain terms who’s been lying to them. That’s building readership of our sites. That’s changing minds. That’s also the result of some very hard work by some very dedicated people working on a very limited budget. Won’t you do your part and boost that budget, today, and keep the censors on the run?

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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. We need your help to continue. Please send the largest contribution you can afford to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. You can also help us by visiting natall.com/donate. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.