added commentary by Kevin Alfred Strom
ACCORDING TO physicist and writer James Miller, the four forces pushing for war with Iran are:
1) ISRAEL (The Israel Lobby is working overtime to get Americans to fight another war on their behalf. The work of the CIA and MI6 is clear in fomenting chaos in Iran and yet another “rainbow-colored revolution” in a country currently without Zionist supervision.);
2) NEOCON GLOBAL IMPERIALISTS (The neocon goal is to expand the American empire and help their Israeli friends and cousins. Forty per cent. of the world’s energy comes from Middle East oil. Both Zionists and neocons are overrepresented in the American mass media — Fox News is the most egregious example — so reasoned voices for peace are seldom heard.);
3)Â THE OIL LOBBY (There is big money to be made by tapping into Iran’s massive crude oil reserves.); and
4) THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (That is, war profiteers — war is big business, very big. War profiteers simply accuse their critics of being “unpatriotic” and “standing in the way of freedom and democracy.” The happy-face rainbow-colored revolution would also establish the “right” of Western media moguls to set up their multibillion-dollar propaganda mills in the the conquered territory, too, effectively controlling any nascent “democracy.”)
It is to the shame of the U.S. Congress and the honor of Congressman Ron Paul that his was the sole “no” vote opposing the recent sabre-rattling “condemnation” of Iran.
Soon, I predict, Western intelligence will provoke or cause an “intolerable outrage” — allegedly committed by Iran — justifying an all-out push for war. For the sake of peace and freedom, I pray that they do not succeed.
The Four Forces Pushing For War With Iran
The Israel Lobby (AIPAC) is working overtime to get dumb Americans to fight another war on its behalf. Politicians who call Israel out (like Ron Paul) are accused of “anti-Semitism” (pardon me while I vomit). Never forget that the Israel Lobby runs U.S. foreign policy.
The NEOCON goal is simply to expand the American empire. Controlling Iran is yet another step towards controlling the Middle East. Forty percent of the world’s energy comes from Middle East oil. Thus if one can control the Middle East, one can control forty percent of the world’s energy supply (or at least influence it greatly). Controlling Middle East oil means you can control much of the global economy.
There is big money to be made by tapping into Iran’s MASSIVE crude oil reserves.
4 – MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (ie. war profiteers)
War is big business, very big. War profiteers simply accuse their critics of being “unpatriotic” and “standing in the way of freedom and democracy” (again, pardon me while I vomit).